VeloDB Ecosystem
Deploy VeloDB/Doris on Kubernetes
Operator Deploy

Deploy Doris on Kubernetes

Doris-Operator is software extension to Kubernetes that make use of custom resource to manage Doris and it components. It provides DorisCluster (opens in a new tab) a Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinition (opens in a new tab) for user to custom resource.

Deploy Doris on Kubernetes

Start Kubernetes

Having a Kubernetes environment is the premise to deploy Doris on Kubernetes. If you already have it, please ignore this step. Hosted Kubernetes on cloud platform or set-up by yourself are all good choice.

Hosted EKS

  1. Check that the following command-line (opens in a new tab) tools are installed in your environment:
  • Install and configure AWS command-line tool AWS CLI.
  • Install EKS cluster command-line tool eksctl.
  • Install Kubernetes cluster command-line tool kubectl.
  1. Use one of the following methods to create an EKS cluster:

Hosted GKE
Complete all the prerequisites (opens in a new tab) when create a GKE cluster (opens in a new tab).

Create as Kubernetes recommend
Kubernetes official documents recommends some ways to set up Kubernetes, as minikube (opens in a new tab),kOps (opens in a new tab).

Deploy Doris-Operator on Kubernetes

1. Apply the Custom Resource Definition(CRD) (opens in a new tab)

kubectl apply -f    

2. Install Doris-Operator
If you want to use the defaults operator resource:

kubectl apply -f

The user defined deployment in github repo are simply:
Instead of using the command below, apply your local version of the Operator manifest to the cluster when you custom operator resource.

kubectl apply -f operator.yaml  

3. Validate The Operator is Running
Using the command kubectl -n \{namespace} get pods get the status of deployed operator.

 kubectl -n doris get pods
 NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS        AGE
 doris-operator-5b9f7f57bf-tsvjz   1/1     Running   66 (164m ago)   6d22h

Expected result, the Pod STATUS is Running and all containers in Pod are all READY.

Start Doris on Kubernetes

1. Initialize Doris Cluster
User can directly deploy Doris by examples (opens in a new tab) provided by Doris-Operator. Below is the command:

kubectl apply -f  

Or download doriscluster-sample (opens in a new tab) a custom resource that tells the Operator how to configure the Kubernetes cluster, and custom resource as (opens in a new tab) and how_to_use (opens in a new tab) docs. Instead of using the command below, apply the customized resource.

kubeectl apply -f doriscluster-sample.yaml  

2. Validate Doris Cluster Status
Using the command kubectl -n \{namespace} get pods check pods status.

kubectl get pods
  NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
  doriscluster-sample-fe-0   1/1     Running   0          20m
  doriscluster-sample-be-0   1/1     Running   0          19m

All Pods created by DorisCluster resource should be in Running STATUS, and each pod's containers should be RREADY.

Use Doris Cluster

On kubernetes Doris-Operator provide Service a resource build in kubernetes for access to Doris.

The command kubectl -n \{namespace} get svc -l "app.doris.ownerreference/name={dorisCluster.Name}" used to get service created by Doris-Operator. dorisCluster.Nmae is the name of DorisCluster resource deployed by step 1.

kubectl -n default get svc -l "app.doris.ownerreference/name=doriscluster-sample"
NAME                              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                           PORT(S)                               AGE
doriscluster-sample-fe-internal   ClusterIP   None             <none>                                                9030/TCP                              30m
doriscluster-sample-fe-service    ClusterIP        8030/TCP,9020/TCP,9030/TCP,9010/TCP   30m
doriscluster-sample-be-internal   ClusterIP   None             <none>                                                9050/TCP                              29m
doriscluster-sample-be-service    ClusterIP   <none>                                                9060/TCP,8040/TCP,9050/TCP,8060/TCP   29m

Use SQL Client for Access
Service created by Doris-Operator have two types, suffix is -internal or -service. Service have the -internal suffix for communicating in Doris components, Service have -service suffix for user to access.

  • In Kubernetes
    In kubernetes, Using CLUSTER-IP is recommended. For example, the fe service's CLUSTER-IP is that displayed by above command. Using below command to access fe service.

    mysql -h -uroot -P9030
  • Out Kubernetes
    Using EXTERNAL-IP to access fe from Kubernetes external. In default, Doris-Operator not provided EXTERNAL-IP mode. If you want to use EXTERNAL-IP, should custom resource Service field, reference the doc (opens in a new tab) to deploy.

:::tip If the doc not cover your requirements, Pleaser reference the docs (opens in a new tab) and (opens in a new tab) to custom DorisCluster resource to deploy. :::