VeloDB Cloud
SQL Manual




ARRAY<T> array_slice(ARRAY<T> arr, BIGINT off, BIGINT len)

This function returns a subarray consisting of all elements that are of the specified length starting from the specified position. If the input parameter is null, it will return null.

If off is positive, it will count from the left side.

If off is negative, it will count from the right side.

If the specifed off is beyond the range of the array, it will return a null array.

If len is negative, the length will be 0.


It is only supported in vectorized engine.


mysql> set enable_vectorized_engine=true;

mysql> select k2, k2[2:2] from array_type_table_nullable;
| k2              | array_slice(`k2`, 2, 2) |
| [1, 2, 3]       | [2, 3]                  |
| [1, NULL, 3]    | [NULL, 3]               |
| [2, 3]          | [3]                     |
| NULL            | NULL                    |

mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, 2, 2) from array_type_table_nullable;
| k2              | array_slice(`k2`, 2, 2) |
| [1, 2, 3]       | [2, 3]                  |
| [1, NULL, 3]    | [NULL, 3]               |
| [2, 3]          | [3]                     |
| NULL            | NULL                    |

mysql> select k2, k2[2:2] from array_type_table_nullable_varchar;
| k2                         | array_slice(`k2`, 2, 2) |
| ['hello', 'world', 'c++']  | ['world', 'c++']        |
| ['a1', 'equals', 'b1']     | ['equals', 'b1']        |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']         |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']         |

mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, 2, 2) from array_type_table_nullable_varchar;
| k2                         | array_slice(`k2`, 2, 2) |
| ['hello', 'world', 'c++']  | ['world', 'c++']        |
| ['a1', 'equals', 'b1']     | ['equals', 'b1']        |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']         |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']         |

Negative off:

mysql> select k2, k2[-2:1] from array_type_table_nullable;
| k2        | array_slice(`k2`, -2, 1) |
| [1, 2, 3] | [2]                      |
| [1, 2, 3] | [2]                      |
| [2, 3]    | [2]                      |
| [2, 3]    | [2]                      |

mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, -2, 1) from array_type_table_nullable;
| k2        | array_slice(`k2`, -2, 1) |
| [1, 2, 3] | [2]                      |
| [1, 2, 3] | [2]                      |
| [2, 3]    | [2]                      |
| [2, 3]    | [2]                      |

mysql> select k2, k2[-2:2] from array_type_table_nullable_varchar;
| k2                         | array_slice(`k2`, -2, 2) |
| ['hello', 'world', 'c++']  | ['world', 'c++']         |
| ['a1', 'equals', 'b1']     | ['equals', 'b1']         |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']          |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']          |

mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, -2, 2) from array_type_table_nullable_varchar;
| k2                         | array_slice(`k2`, -2, 2) |
| ['hello', 'world', 'c++']  | ['world', 'c++']         |
| ['a1', 'equals', 'b1']     | ['equals', 'b1']         |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']          |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']          |
mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, 0) from array_type_table;
| k2        | array_slice(`k2`, 0) |
| [1, 2, 3] | []                      |

mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, -5) from array_type_table;
| k2        | array_slice(`k2`, -5) |
| [1, 2, 3] | []                   |
