VeloDB Cloud
Release Notes


This article describes the release notes for VeloDB Core v2.0.

Note VeloDB Core v2.0 was developed based on Apache Doris v1.1 (opens in a new tab).

v2.0.15 (January 5, 2023)

New Features

  • Supported rename warehouse.


  • Optimized copy into delete sign.
  • Supported the ability to automatically determine whether the object information is valid when executing copy into to create a stage.
  • Optimized partition level tablet balance .
  • Added checking of cache configuration parameter types.
  • Optimized tablet sink profile.
  • Improved the permission system.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the problem of misjudgment of stale request in sync_tablet_rowsets.
  • Fixed load job leak issue.
  • Fixed partition level balance bug.

v2.0.14 (December 14, 2022)

New Features

  • Supported the select statement to set cluster through hint.
  • Supported retaining several copy job for each table.


  • Optimized the performance of import and write to s3.
  • After the imported Segment index is uploaded to the object storage, it will be entered into the read cache in advance.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the data types of planning and execution did not match when importing parquet, causing log import to fail.
  • Fixed issue with importing across clusters.

v2.0.13 (December 2, 2022)

New Features

  • Supported the copy into statement additional condition delete on.
  • Supported the show data statement to display the data volume of the entire warehouse.


  • Restored use of show processlist statement.
  • Improved the speed of recycling dropped stages.
  • Improved the speed of cache data writing to disk.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue of inconsistent warehouse behavior when executing drop cluster.

v2.0.12 (November 26, 2022)


  • Supported verifying the validity of object storage information when executing create stage.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the write cache may be deleted prematurely.
  • Fixed the issue where cache might not be hit.
  • Fixed the issue where non-colocate table tablets could be unevenly distributed.