VeloDB Cloud
SQL Manual
SQL Statements




:::caution Since 2.1.1, this syntax is deprecated. You can still download profile from http://<fe_ip>:<fe_http_port>/QueryProfile :::


This statement is used to view the tree profile information of the query operation,this function requires the user to open profile settings. Before versions 0.15, perform the following settings:

SET is_report_success=true;

For versions 0.15 and later, perform the following settings:

SET [GLOBAL] enable_profile=true;


show query profile "/";

This command will list the profiles of all currently saved query operations.

show query profile "/queryId"\G
show query profile "/queryId/fragment_id/instance_id"\G

Get the tree profile information of the specified query ID,Return to profile simple tree.Specify fragment_ ID and instance_ ID returns the corresponding detailed profile tree.


  1. List all query Profile

    mysql> show query profile "/";
    | QueryId                           | User | DefaultDb               | SQL                | QueryType | StartTime           | EndTime             | TotalTime | QueryState |
    | 327167e0db4749a9-adce3b3d770b2bb1 | root | default_cluster:test_db | select * from test | Query     | 2022-08-09 10:50:09 | 2022-08-09 10:50:09 | 19ms      | EOF        |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  2. List the query profile of the specified queryid

    mysql> show query profile "/327167e0db4749a9-adce3b3d770b2bb1"\G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
    Fragments: ┌────────────────────────┐
    │[-1: VDataBufferSender] │
    │Fragment: 0
    │MaxActiveTime: 783.263us│
      │[1: VEXCHANGE_NODE]│
      │Fragment: 0
    │[1: VDataStreamSender]  │
    │Fragment: 1
    │MaxActiveTime: 847.612us│
      │[0: VOLAP_SCAN_NODE]│
      │Fragment: 1
         │Fragment: 1
       │Fragment: 1
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
  3. Lists the instance profile of the specified fragment:

    mysql> show query profile "/327167e0db4749a9-adce3b3d770b2bb1/1/"\G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
     Instances: 327167e0db4749a9-adce3b3d770b2bb2
    ActiveTime: 847.612us
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  4. Continue to view the detailed profile of each operator on a specific instance:

    mysql> show query profile "/327167e0db4749a9-adce3b3d770b2bb1/1/327167e0db4749a9-adce3b3d770b2bb2"\G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
    Instance: ┌───────────────────────────────────────┐
    │[1: VDataStreamSender]                 │
    │(Active: 36.944us, non-child: 0.20)    │
    - Counters:                          │
    - BytesSent: 0.00
    - IgnoreRows: 0
    - LocalBytesSent: 20.00 B        │
    - OverallThroughput: 0.0 /sec    │
    - PeakMemoryUsage: 0.00
    - SerializeBatchTime: 0ns        │
    - UncompressedRowBatchSize: 0.00
    │[0: VOLAP_SCAN_NODE]                   │
    │(Active: 563.241us, non-child: 3.00)   │
    - Counters:                          │
    - BatchQueueWaitTime: 444.714us  │
    - BytesRead: 37.00 B             │
    - NumDiskAccess: 1
    - NumScanners: 2
    - PeakMemoryUsage: 320.00 KB     │
    - RowsRead: 4
    - RowsReturned: 4
    - RowsReturnedRate: 7.101K /sec  │
    - ScannerBatchWaitTime: 206.40us │
    - ScannerSchedCount : 2
    - ScannerWorkerWaitTime: 34.640us│
    - TabletCount : 2
    - TotalReadThroughput: 0.0 /sec  │
       │[OlapScanner]                    │
       │(Active: 0ns, non-child: 0.00)   │
    - Counters:                    │
    - BlockConvertTime: 0ns    │
    - BlockFetchTime: 183.741us│
    - ReaderInitTime: 180.741us│
    - RowsDelFiltered: 0
    - RowsPushedCondFiltered: 0
    - ScanCpuTime: 388.576us   │
    - ScanTime: 0ns            │
    - ShowHintsTime_V1: 0ns    │
     │[SegmentIterator]                    │
     │(Active: 0ns, non-child: 0.00)       │
    - Counters:                        │
    - BitmapIndexFilterTimer: 124ns│
    - BlockLoadTime: 179.202us     │
    - BlockSeekCount: 5
    - BlockSeekTime: 18.792us      │
    - BlocksLoad: 4
    - CachedPagesNum: 2
    - CompressedBytesRead: 0.00
    - DecompressorTimer: 0ns       │
    - IOTimer: 0ns                 │
    - IndexLoadTime_V1: 0ns        │
    - NumSegmentFiltered: 0
    - NumSegmentTotal: 2
    - RawRowsRead: 4
    - RowsBitmapIndexFiltered: 0
    - RowsBloomFilterFiltered: 0
    - RowsConditionsFiltered: 0
    - RowsKeyRangeFiltered: 0
    - RowsStatsFiltered: 0
    - RowsVectorPredFiltered: 0
    - TotalPagesNum: 2
    - UncompressedBytesRead: 0.00
    - VectorPredEvalTime: 0ns      │
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)



Best Practice