VeloDB Cloud
SQL Manual
SQL Functions
Table Functions



Table functions must be used in conjunction with Lateral View, support multi conjunction with Lateral View,support new optimizer only.

explode map column to rows. explode_map_outer will return NULL, while map is NULL or empty. explode_map and explode_map_outer both keep the nested NULL elements of map.




mysql> SET enable_fallback_to_original_planner=false

                   `id` INT NULL,
                   `name` TEXT NULL,
                   `score` MAP<TEXT,INT> NULL
                 ) ENGINE=OLAP
                 DUPLICATE KEY(`id`)
                 COMMENT 'OLAP'
                 DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(`id`) BUCKETS 1
                 PROPERTIES ("replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 1");
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.15 sec)

mysql> insert into sdu values (0, "zhangsan", {"Chinese":"80","Math":"60","English":"90"}), (1, "lisi", {"null":null}), (2, "wangwu", {"Chinese":"88","Math":"90","English":"96"}), (3, "lisi2", {null:null}), (4, "amory", NULL);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.23 sec)
{'label':'label_9b35d9d9d59147f5_bffb974881ed2133', 'status':'VISIBLE', 'txnId':'4005'}

mysql> select * from sdu order by id;
| id   | name     | score                                   |
|    0 | zhangsan | {"Chinese":80, "Math":60, "English":90} |
|    1 | lisi     | {"null":null}                           |
|    2 | wangwu   | {"Chinese":88, "Math":90, "English":96} |
|    3 | lisi2    | {null:null}                             |
|    4 | amory    | NULL                                    |

mysql> select name, k,v from sdu lateral view explode_map(score) tmp as k,v;
| name     | k       | v    |
| zhangsan | Chinese |   80 |
| zhangsan | Math    |   60 |
| zhangsan | English |   90 |
| lisi     | null    | NULL |
| wangwu   | Chinese |   88 |
| wangwu   | Math    |   90 |
| wangwu   | English |   96 |
| lisi2    | NULL    | NULL |

mysql> select name, k,v from sdu lateral view explode_map_outer(score) tmp as k,v;
| name     | k       | v    |
| zhangsan | Chinese |   80 |
| zhangsan | Math    |   60 |
| zhangsan | English |   90 |
| lisi     | null    | NULL |
| wangwu   | Chinese |   88 |
| wangwu   | Math    |   90 |
| wangwu   | English |   96 |
| lisi2    | NULL    | NULL |
| amory    | NULL    | NULL |

mysql> select name, k,v,k1,v1 from sdu lateral view explode_map_outer(score) tmp as k,v lateral view explode_map(score) tmp2 as k1,v1;
| name     | k       | v    | k1      | v1   |
| zhangsan | Chinese |   80 | Chinese |   80 |
| zhangsan | Chinese |   80 | Math    |   60 |
| zhangsan | Chinese |   80 | English |   90 |
| zhangsan | Math    |   60 | Chinese |   80 |
| zhangsan | Math    |   60 | Math    |   60 |
| zhangsan | Math    |   60 | English |   90 |
| zhangsan | English |   90 | Chinese |   80 |
| zhangsan | English |   90 | Math    |   60 |
| zhangsan | English |   90 | English |   90 |
| lisi     | null    | NULL | null    | NULL |
| wangwu   | Chinese |   88 | Chinese |   88 |
| wangwu   | Chinese |   88 | Math    |   90 |
| wangwu   | Chinese |   88 | English |   96 |
| wangwu   | Math    |   90 | Chinese |   88 |
| wangwu   | Math    |   90 | Math    |   90 |
| wangwu   | Math    |   90 | English |   96 |
| wangwu   | English |   96 | Chinese |   88 |
| wangwu   | English |   96 | Math    |   90 |
| wangwu   | English |   96 | English |   96 |
| lisi2    | NULL    | NULL | NULL    | NULL |
