VeloDB Cloud
SQL Manual
SQL Functions
String Functions




BOOLEAN like(VARCHAR str, VARCHAR pattern)

Perform fuzzy matching on the string str, return true if it matches, and false if it doesn't match.

like match/fuzzy match, will be used in combination with % and _.

the percent sign ('%') represents zero, one, or more characters.

the underscore ('_') represents a single character.

'a'   // Precise matching, the same effect as `=`
'%a'  // data ending with a
'a%'  // data starting with a
'%a%' // data containing a
'_a_' // three digits and the middle letter is a
'_a'  // two digits and the ending letter is a
'a_'  // two digits and the initial letter is a
'a__b'  // four digits, starting letter is a and ending letter is b


// table test
| k1    |
| b     |
| bb    |
| bab   |
| a     |

// Return the data containing a in the k1 string
mysql> select k1 from test where k1 like '%a%';
| k1    |
| a     |
| bab   |

// Return the data equal to a in the k1 string
mysql> select k1 from test where k1 like 'a';
| k1    |
| a     |
