VeloDB Cloud
SQL Manual
SQL Functions
Array Functions





ARRAY<T> array_slice(ARRAY<T> arr, BIGINT off, BIGINT len)

Returns a slice of the array.

A positive off indicates an indent on the left
A negative off indicates an indent on the right.
An empty array is returned when the off is not within the actual range of the array.
A negative len will be treated as 0.


mysql> select k2, k2[2:2] from array_type_table_nullable;
| k2              | array_slice(`k2`, 2, 2) |
| [1, 2, 3]       | [2, 3]                  |
| [1, NULL, 3]    | [NULL, 3]               |
| [2, 3]          | [3]                     |
| NULL            | NULL                    |

mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, 2, 2) from array_type_table_nullable;
| k2              | array_slice(`k2`, 2, 2) |
| [1, 2, 3]       | [2, 3]                  |
| [1, NULL, 3]    | [NULL, 3]               |
| [2, 3]          | [3]                     |
| NULL            | NULL                    |

mysql> select k2, k2[2:2] from array_type_table_nullable_varchar;
| k2                         | array_slice(`k2`, 2, 2) |
| ['hello', 'world', 'c++']  | ['world', 'c++']        |
| ['a1', 'equals', 'b1']     | ['equals', 'b1']        |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']         |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']         |

mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, 2, 2) from array_type_table_nullable_varchar;
| k2                         | array_slice(`k2`, 2, 2) |
| ['hello', 'world', 'c++']  | ['world', 'c++']        |
| ['a1', 'equals', 'b1']     | ['equals', 'b1']        |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']         |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']         |

Negative off:

mysql> select k2, k2[-2:1] from array_type_table_nullable;
| k2        | array_slice(`k2`, -2, 1) |
| [1, 2, 3] | [2]                      |
| [1, 2, 3] | [2]                      |
| [2, 3]    | [2]                      |
| [2, 3]    | [2]                      |

mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, -2, 1) from array_type_table_nullable;
| k2        | array_slice(`k2`, -2, 1) |
| [1, 2, 3] | [2]                      |
| [1, 2, 3] | [2]                      |
| [2, 3]    | [2]                      |
| [2, 3]    | [2]                      |

mysql> select k2, k2[-2:2] from array_type_table_nullable_varchar;
| k2                         | array_slice(`k2`, -2, 2) |
| ['hello', 'world', 'c++']  | ['world', 'c++']         |
| ['a1', 'equals', 'b1']     | ['equals', 'b1']         |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']          |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']          |

mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, -2, 2) from array_type_table_nullable_varchar;
| k2                         | array_slice(`k2`, -2, 2) |
| ['hello', 'world', 'c++']  | ['world', 'c++']         |
| ['a1', 'equals', 'b1']     | ['equals', 'b1']         |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']          |
| ['hasnull', NULL, 'value'] | [NULL, 'value']          |
mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, 0) from array_type_table;
| k2        | array_slice(`k2`, 0) |
| [1, 2, 3] | []                      |

mysql> select k2, array_slice(k2, -5) from array_type_table;
| k2        | array_slice(`k2`, -5) |
| [1, 2, 3] | []                   |
