VeloDB Cloud
Developer Guide
Data Import
Stream Load

Stream Load

Stream Load supports importing local files or data streams into VeloDB through the HTTP protocol.

Stream Load is a synchronous import method that returns the import result after the import is executed, allowing you to determine the success of the import through the request response. Generally, user can use Stream Load to import files under 10GB. If the file is too large, it is recommended to split the file and then use Stream Load for importing. Stream Load can ensure the atomicity of a batch of import tasks, meaning that either all of them succeed or all of them fail.


In comparison to single-threaded load using curl, Doris Streamloader is a client tool designed for loading data into Apache Doris or VeloDB. it reduces the ingestion latency of large datasets by its concurrent loading capabilities. It comes with the following features:

  • Parallel loading: multi-threaded load for the Stream Load method. You can set the parallelism level using the workers parameter.
  • Multi-file load: simultaneously load of multiple files and directories with one shot. It supports recursive file fetching and allows you to specify file names with wildcard characters.
  • Path traversal support: support path traversal when the source files are in directories
  • Resilience and continuity: in case of partial load failures, it can resume data loading from the point of failure.
  • Automatic retry mechanism: in case of loading failures, it can automatically retry a default number of times. If the loading remains unsuccessful, it will print the command for manual retry.

See Doris Streamloader (opens in a new tab) for detailed instructions and best practices. :::

User guide

Supported formats

Stream Load supports importing data in CSV, JSON, Parquet, and ORC formats.

Usage limitations

When importing CSV files, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between null values and empty strings:

  • Null values need to be represented by \N. For example, the data "a,\N,b" indicates that the middle column is a null value.
  • Empty strings can be represented by leaving the data empty. For example, the data "a, ,b" indicates that the middle column is an empty string.

Basic principles

When using Stream Load, it is necessary to initiate an import job through the HTTP protocol to the warehouse. The warehouse will redirect the request to a cluster in a round-robin manner to achieve load balancing. It is also possible to send HTTP requests directly to a specific cluster. In Stream Load, VeloDB selects one node of the cluster to serve as the Coordinator node. The Coordinator node is responsible for receiving data and distributing it to other nodes of the cluster.

The following figure shows the main flow of Stream load, omitting some import details.

Basic principles

  1. The client submits a Stream Load import job request to the warehouse.
  2. The warehouse randomly selects a node as the Coordinator node in a cluster, which is responsible for scheduling the import job, and then returns an HTTP redirect to the client.
  3. The client connects to the Coordinator node and submits the import request.
  4. The Coordinator node distributes the data to other nodes of the cluster and returns the import result to the client once the import is complete.
  5. Alternatively, the client can directly submit load request to a specific cluster.

Quick start

Stream Load import data through the HTTP protocol. The following example uses the curl tool to demonstrate submitting an import job through Stream Load.

For detailed syntax, please refer to STREAM LOAD.

Prerequisite check

Stream Load requires INSERT privileges on the target table. If there are no INSERT privileges, it can be granted to the user through the GRANT command.

Create load job

Loading CSV

  1. Creating loading data

    Create a CSV file named streamload_example.csv. The specific content is as follows

  1. Creating a table for loading

    Create the table that will be imported into, using the specific syntax as follows:

CREATE TABLE testdb.test_streamload(
    user_id            BIGINT       NOT NULL COMMENT "User ID",
    name               VARCHAR(20)           COMMENT "User name",
    age                INT                   COMMENT "User age"
  1. Enabling the load job

    The Stream Load job can be submitted using the curl command.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "column_separator:," \
    -H "columns:user_id,name,age" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

​ Stream Load is a synchronous method, where the result is directly returned to the user.

    "TxnId": 3,
    "Label": "123",
    "Comment": "",
    "TwoPhaseCommit": "false",
    "Status": "Success",
    "Message": "OK",
    "NumberTotalRows": 10,
    "NumberLoadedRows": 10,
    "NumberFilteredRows": 0,
    "NumberUnselectedRows": 0,
    "LoadBytes": 118,
    "LoadTimeMs": 173,
    "BeginTxnTimeMs": 1,
    "StreamLoadPutTimeMs": 70,
    "ReadDataTimeMs": 2,
    "WriteDataTimeMs": 48,
    "CommitAndPublishTimeMs": 52
  1. View data
mysql> select count(*) from testdb.test_streamload;
| count(*) |
|       10 |

Loading JSON

  1. Creating loading data

Create a JSON file named streamload_example.json . The specific content is as follows

  1. Creating a table for loading

    Create the table that will be imported into, using the specific syntax as follows:

CREATE TABLE testdb.test_streamload(
    user_id            BIGINT       NOT NULL COMMENT "User ID",
    name               VARCHAR(20)           COMMENT "User name",
    age                INT                   COMMENT "User age"
  1. Enabling the load job

    The Stream Load job can be submitted using the curl command.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "label:124" \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "format:json" -H "strip_outer_array:true" \
    -H "jsonpaths:[\"$.userid\", \"$.username\", \"$.userage\"]" \
    -H "columns:user_id,name,age" \
    -T streamload_example.json \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

​ Stream Load is a synchronous method, where the result is directly returned to the user.

    "TxnId": 7,
    "Label": "125",
    "Comment": "",
    "TwoPhaseCommit": "false",
    "Status": "Success",
    "Message": "OK",
    "NumberTotalRows": 10,
    "NumberLoadedRows": 10,
    "NumberFilteredRows": 0,
    "NumberUnselectedRows": 0,
    "LoadBytes": 471,
    "LoadTimeMs": 52,
    "BeginTxnTimeMs": 0,
    "StreamLoadPutTimeMs": 11,
    "ReadDataTimeMs": 0,
    "WriteDataTimeMs": 23,
    "CommitAndPublishTimeMs": 16

View load job

By default, Stream Load synchronously returns results to the client, so the system does not record Stream Load historical jobs. If recording is required, please contact the VeloDB Cloud support team to modify the warehouse parameter configuration and set enable_stream_load_record=true .

After configuring, you can use the show stream load command to view completed Stream Load jobs.

mysql> show stream load from testdb;
| Label | Db     | Table           | ClientIp      | Status  | Message | Url  | TotalRows | LoadedRows | FilteredRows | UnselectedRows | LoadBytes | StartTime               | FinishTime              | User | Comment |
| 12356 | testdb | test_streamload | | Success | OK      | N/A  | 10        | 10         | 0            | 0              | 118       | 2023-11-29 08:53:00.594 | 2023-11-29 08:53:00.650 | root |         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Cancel load job

Users cannot manually cancel a Stream Load operation. A Stream Load job will be automatically canceled by the system if it encounters a timeout (set to 0) or an import error.

Reference manual


The syntax for Stream Load is as follows:

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
  -H "Expect:100-continue" [-H ""...] \
  -T <file_path> \
  -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/<db>/<table>/_stream_load

Stream Load operations support both HTTP chunked and non-chunked import methods. For non-chunked imports, it is necessary to have a Content-Length header to indicate the length of the uploaded content, which ensures data integrity.

Load return value

Stream Load is a synchronous import method, and the load result is directly provided to the user through the creation of an load return value, as shown below:

    "TxnId": 1003,
    "Label": "b6f3bc78-0d2c-45d9-9e4c-faa0a0149bee",
    "Status": "Success",
    "ExistingJobStatus": "FINISHED", // optional
    "Message": "OK",
    "NumberTotalRows": 1000000,
    "NumberLoadedRows": 1000000,
    "NumberFilteredRows": 1,
    "NumberUnselectedRows": 0,
    "LoadBytes": 40888898,
    "LoadTimeMs": 2144,
    "BeginTxnTimeMs": 1,
    "StreamLoadPutTimeMs": 2,
    "ReadDataTimeMs": 325,
    "WriteDataTimeMs": 1933,
    "CommitAndPublishTimeMs": 106,
    "ErrorURL": ""

The return result parameters are explained in the following table:

ParametersParameters description
TxnIdImport transaction ID
LabelLabel of load job,specified via -H "label:<label_id>".
StatusFinal load Status. Success: The load job was successful.Publish Timeout: The load job has been completed, but there may be a delay in data visibility. Label Already Exists: The label is duplicated, requiring a new label. Fail: The load job failed.
ExistingJobStatusThe status of the load job corresponding to the already existing label. This field is only displayed when the Status is Label Already Exists. Users can use this status to know the status of the import job corresponding to the existing label. RUNNING means the job is still executing, and FINISHED means the job was successful.
MessageError information related to the load job.
NumberTotalRowsThe total number of rows processed during the load job.
NumberLoadedRowsThe number of rows that were successfully loaded.
NumberFilteredRowsThe number of rows that did not meet the data quality standards.
NumberUnselectedRowsThe number of rows that were filtered out based on the WHERE condition.
LoadBytesThe amount of data in bytes.
LoadTimeMsThe time taken for the load job to complete, measured in milliseconds.
BeginTxnTimeMsThe time taken to request the initiation of a transaction from the warehouse, measured in milliseconds.
StreamLoadPutTimeMsThe time taken to request the execution plan for the load job data from the warehouse, measured in milliseconds.
ReadDataTimeMsThe time spent reading the data during the load job, measured in milliseconds.
WriteDataTimeMsThe time taken to perform the data writing operations during the load job, measured in milliseconds.
CommitAndPublishTimeMsThe time taken to request the commit and publish the transaction from the warehouse, measured in milliseconds.
ErrorURLIf there are data quality issues, users can access this URL to view the specific rows with errors.

Users can access the ErrorURL to review data that failed to import due to issues with data quality. By executing the command curl "<ErrorURL>", users can directly retrieve information about the erroneous data.

Application of Table Value Function in Stream Load - http_stream Mode

Leveraging the recently introduced functionality of Table Value Function (TVF) in VeloDB, Stream Load now allows the expression of import parameters through SQL statements. Specifically, a TVF named http_stream has been dedicated for Stream Load operations.


When performing Stream Load using the TVF http_stream, the Rest API URL differs from the standard URL used for regular Stream Load imports.

  • Standard Stream Load URL:


  • URL for Stream Load using TVF http_stream:



Using curl for Stream Load in http_stream Mode:

curl --location-trusted -u user:passwd [-H "sql: ${load_sql}"...] -T data.file -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/_http_stream

Adding a SQL parameter in the header to replace the previous parameters such as column_separator, line_delimiter, where, columns, etc., makes it very convenient to use.

Example of load SQL:

insert into db.table (col, ...) select stream_col, ... from http_stream("property1"="value1");

http_stream parameter:

  • "column_separator" = ","

  • "format" = "CSV"

  • ...

For example:

curl  --location-trusted -u root: -T test.csv  -H "sql:insert into demo.example_tbl_1(user_id, age, cost) select c1, c4, c7 * 2 from http_stream(\"format\" = \"CSV\", \"column_separator\" = \",\" ) where age >= 30"

Load example

Setting load timeout and maximum size

The timeout for a load job is measured in seconds. If the load job is not completed within the specified timeout period, it will be cancelled by the system and marked as CANCELLED. You can adjust the timeout for a Stream Load job by specifying the timeout parameter or contact the VeloDB Cloud support team to modify the warehouse parameter configuration and set the stream_load_default_timeout_second parameter.

Before initiating the load, you need to calculate the timeout based on the file size. For example, for a 100GB file with an estimated load performance of 50MB/s:

Load time ≈ 100GB / 50MB/s ≈ 2048s

You can use the following command to specify a timeout of 3000 seconds for creating a Stream Load job:

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "timeout:3000"
    -H "column_separator:," \
    -H "columns:user_id,name,age" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Setting maximum error tolerance rate

Load job can tolerate a certain amount of data with formatting errors. The tolerance rate is configured using the max_filter_ratio parameter. By default, it is set to 0, meaning that if there is even a single erroneous data row, the entire load job will fail. If users wish to ignore some problematic data rows, they can set this parameter to a value between 0 and 1. VeloDB will automatically skip rows with incorrect data formats. For more information on calculating the tolerance rate, please refer to the Data Transformation documentation.

You can use the following command to specify a max_filter_ratio tolerance of 0.4 for creating a Stream Load job:

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "max_filter_ratio:0.4" \
    -H "column_separator:," \
    -H "columns:user_id,name,age" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Setting load filtering conditions

During the load job, you can use the WHERE parameter to apply conditional filtering to the imported data. The filtered data will not be included in the calculation of the filter ratio and will not affect the setting of max_filter_ratio. After the load job is complete, you can view the number of filtered rows by checking num_rows_unselected.

You can use the following command to specify WHERE filtering conditions for creating a Stream Load job:

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "where:age>=35" \
    -H "column_separator:," \
    -H "columns:user_id,name,age" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Loading data into specific partitions

Loading data from local files into partitions p1 and p2 of the table, allowing a 20% error rate.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "label:123" \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "max_filter_ratio:0.2" \
    -H "column_separator:," \
    -H "columns:user_id,name,age" \
    -H "partitions: p1, p2" \ 
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Loading data into specific timezone

Since VeloDB currently does not have a built-in time zone time type, all DATETIME related types only represent absolute time points, do not contain time zone information, and will not change due to changes in the VeloDB system time zone. Therefore, for the import of data with time zones, our unified processing method is to convert it into data in a specific target time zone. In the VeloDB system, it is the time zone represented by the session variable time_zone.

In the import, our target time zone is specified through the parameter timezone. This variable will replace the session variable time_zone when time zone conversion occurs and time zone sensitive functions are calculated. Therefore, if there are no special circumstances, the timezone should be set in the import transaction to be consistent with the time_zone of the current VeloDB cluster. This means that all time data with a time zone will be converted to this time zone.

For example, the VeloDB system time zone is "+08:00", and the time column in the imported data contains two pieces of data, namely "2012-01-01 01:00:00+00:00" and "2015-12-12 12 :12:12-08:00", then after we specify the time zone of the imported transaction through -H "timezone: +08:00" when importing, both pieces of data will be converted to the time zone to obtain the result." 2012-01-01 09:00:00" and "2015-12-13 04:12:12".

For more information on time zone interpretation, please refer to the document Time Zone Setting.

Streamingly import

Stream Load is based on the HTTP protocol for importing, which supports using programming languages such as Java, Go, or Python for streaming import. This is why it is named Stream Load.

The following example demonstrates this usage through a bash command pipeline. The imported data is generated streamingly by the program rather than from a local file.

seq 1 10 | awk '{OFS="\t"}{print $1, $1 * 10}' | curl --location-trusted -u root -T - http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testDb/testTbl/_stream_load

Setting CSV first row filtering

File data:


Filtering the first row during load by specifying format=csv_with_names

curl --location-trusted -u root -T test.csv  -H "label:1" -H "format:csv_with_names" -H "column_separator:," http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testDb/testTbl/_stream_load

Specifying merge_type for DELETE operations

In stream load, there are three import types: APPEND, DELETE, and MERGE. These can be adjusted by specifying the parameter merge_type. If you want to specify that all data with the same key as the imported data should be deleted, you can use the following command:

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "merge_type: DELETE" \
    -H "column_separator:," \
    -H "columns:user_id,name,age" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Before loading:

| siteid | citycode | username | pv   |
|      3 |        2 | tom      |    2 |
|      4 |        3 | bush     |    3 |
|      5 |        3 | helen    |    3 |

The imported data is:


After importing, the original table data will be deleted, resulting in the following result:

| siteid | citycode | username | pv   |
|      4 |        3 | bush     |    3 |
|      5 |        3 | helen    |    3 |

Specifying merge_type for MERGE operation

By specifying merge_type as MERGE, the imported data can be merged into the table. The MERGE semantics need to be used in combination with the DELETE condition, which means that data satisfying the DELETE condition is processed according to the DELETE semantics, and the rest is added to the table according to the APPEND semantics. The following operation represents deleting the row with siteid of 1, and adding the rest of the data to the table:

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "merge_type: MERGE" \
    -H "delete: siteid=1" \
    -H "column_separator:," \
    -H "columns:user_id,name,age" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Before loading:

| siteid | citycode | username | pv   |
|      4 |        3 | bush     |    3 |
|      5 |        3 | helen    |    3 |
|      1 |        1 | jim      |    2 |

The imported data is:


After loading, the row with siteid = 1 will be deleted according to the condition, and the rows with siteid of 2 and 3 will be added to the table:

| siteid | citycode | username | pv   |
|      4 |        3 | bush     |    3 |
|      2 |        1 | grace    |    2 |
|      3 |        2 | tom      |    2 |
|      5 |        3 | helen    |    3 |

Specifying sequence column for merge

When a table with a Unique Key has a Sequence column, the value of the Sequence column serves as the basis for the replacement order in the REPLACE aggregation function under the same Key column. A larger value can replace a smaller one. When marking deletions based on DORIS_DELETE_SIGN for such a table, it is necessary to ensure that the Key is the same and that the Sequence column value is greater than or equal to the current value. By specifying the function_column.sequence_col parameter, deletion operations can be performed in combination with merge_type: DELETE.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "merge_type: DELETE" \
    -H "function_column.sequence_col: age" 
    -H "column_separator:," \
    -H "columns: name, gender, age" 
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Given the following table schema:

mysql> SET show_hidden_columns=true;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> DESC table1;
| Field                  | Type         | Null | Key   | Default | Extra   |
| name                   | VARCHAR(100) | No   | true  | NULL    |         |
| gender                 | VARCHAR(10)  | Yes  | false | NULL    | REPLACE |
| age                    | INT          | Yes  | false | NULL    | REPLACE |
| __DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__  | TINYINT      | No   | false | 0       | REPLACE |
| __DORIS_SEQUENCE_COL__ | INT          | Yes  | false | NULL    | REPLACE |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The original table data is:

| name  | gender | age  |
| li    | male   |   10 |
| wang  | male   |   14 |
| zhang | male   |   12 |
  1. Sequence parameter takes Eeffect, loading sequence column value is larger than or equal to the existing data in the table.

    loading data as:


Since function_column.sequence_col is specified as age, and the age value is larger than or equal to the existing column in the table, the original table data is deleted. The table data becomes:

| name  | gender | age  |
| wang  | male   |   14 |
| zhang | male   |   12 |
  1. Sequence parameter do not take effect, loading sequence column value is less than or equal to the existing data in the table:

    loading data as:


Since function_column.sequence_col is specified as age, but the age value is less than the existing column in the table, the delete operation does not take effect. The table data remains unchanged, and the row with the primary key of li is still visible:

| name  | gender | age  |
| li    | male   |   10 |
| wang  | male   |   14 |
| zhang | male   |   12 |

It is not deleted because that, at the underlying dependency level, it first checks for rows with the same key. It displays the row data with the larger sequence column value. Then, it checks the DORIS_DELETE_SIGN value for that row. If it is 1, it is not displayed externally. If it is 0, it is still read and displayed.

Loading data with enclosing characters

When the data in a CSV file contains delimiters or separators, single-byte characters can be specified as enclosing characters to protect the data from being truncated.

For example, in the following data where a comma is used as the separator but also exists within a field:

zhangsan,30,'Shanghai, HuangPu District, Dagu Road'

By specifying an enclosing character such as a single quotation mark ', the entire Shanghai, HuangPu District, Dagu Road can be treated as a single field.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "column_separator:," \
    -H "enclose:'" \
    -H "escape:\" \
    -H "columns:username,age,address" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

If the enclosing character also appears within a field, such as wanting to treat Shanghai City, Huangpu District, \'Dagu Road as a single field, it is necessary to first perform string escaping within the column:

Zhang San,30,'Shanghai, Huangpu District, \'Dagu Road'

An escape character, which is a single-byte character, can be specified using the escape parameter. In the example, the backslash \ is used as the escape character.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "column_separator:," \
    -H "enclose:'" \
    -H "columns:username,age,address" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Loading fields containing default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP type

Here's an example of loading data into a table that contains a field with the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP type:

Table schema:

`id` bigint(30) NOT NULL,
`order_code` varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '',
`create_time` datetimev2(3) DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

JSON data type:



curl --location-trusted -u root -T test.json -H "label:1" -H "format:json" -H 'columns: id, order_code, create_time=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()' http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testDb/testTbl/_stream_load

Simple mode for loading JSON format data

When the JSON fields correspond one-to-one with the column names in the table, you can import JSON data format into the table by specifying the parameters "strip_outer_array:true" and "format:json".

For example, if the table is defined as follows:

CREATE TABLE testdb.test_streamload(
    user_id            BIGINT       NOT NULL COMMENT "User ID",
    name               VARCHAR(20)           COMMENT "User name",
    age                INT                   COMMENT "User age"

And the data field names correspond one-to-one with the column names in the table:


You can use the following command to load JSON data into the table:

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "format:json" \
    -H "strip_outer_array:true" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Matching mode for loading complex JSON format data

When the JSON data is more complex and cannot correspond one-to-one with the column names in the table, or there are extra columns, you can use the jsonpaths parameter to complete the column name mapping and perform data matching import. For example, with the following data:


You can specify the jsonpaths parameter to match the specified columns:

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "format:json" \
    -H "strip_outer_array:true" \
    -H "jsonpaths:[\"$.userid\", \"$.username\", \"$.userage\"]" \
    -H "columns:user_id,name,age" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Specifying JSON root node for data load

If the JSON data contains nested JSON fields, you need to specify the root node of the imported JSON. The default value is "".

For example, with the following data, if you want to import the data in the comment column into the table:


First, you need to specify the root node as comment using the json_root parameter, and then complete the column name mapping according to the jsonpaths parameter.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "format:json" \
    -H "strip_outer_array:true" \
    -H "json_root: $.comment" \
    -H "jsonpaths:[\"$.userid\", \"$.username\", \"$.userage\"]" \
    -H "columns:user_id,name,age" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Loading array data type

For example, if the following data contains an array type:


Load data into the following table structure:

CREATE TABLE testdb.test_streamload(
    typ_id     BIGINT          NOT NULL COMMENT "ID",
    name       VARCHAR(20)     NULL     COMMENT "Name",
    arr        ARRAY<int(10)>  NULL     COMMENT "Array"

You can directly load the ARRAY type from a text file into the table using a Stream Load job.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "column_separator:|" \
    -H "columns:typ_id,name,arr" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Loading map data type

When the imported data contains a map type, as in the following example:


Load data into the following table structure:

CREATE TABLE testdb.test_streamload(
    user_id            BIGINT       NOT NULL COMMENT "ID",
    namemap            Map<STRING, INT>  NULL     COMMENT "Name"

You can directly load the map type from a text file into the table using a Stream Load task.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "format: json" \
    -H "strip_outer_array:true" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Loading bitmap data type

During the import process, when encountering Bitmap type data, you can use to_bitmap to convert the data into Bitmap, or use the bitmap_empty function to fill the Bitmap.

For example, with the following data:


Load data into the following table containing the Bitmap type:

CREATE TABLE testdb.test_streamload(
    typ_id     BIGINT                NULL   COMMENT "ID",
    hou        VARCHAR(10)           NULL   COMMENT "one",
    arr        BITMAP  BITMAP_UNION  NULL   COMMENT "two"
AGGREGATE KEY(typ_id,hou)

And use to_bitmap to convert the data into the Bitmap type.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "Expect:100-continue" \
    -H "columns:typ_id,hou,arr,arr=to_bitmap(arr)"
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Loading HyperLogLog data type

You can use the hll_hash function to convert data into the hll type, as in the following example:


Load data into the following table:

CREATE TABLE testdb.test_streamload(
    typ_id           BIGINT          NULL   COMMENT "ID",
    typ_name         VARCHAR(10)     NULL   COMMENT "NAME",
    pv               hll hll_union   NULL   COMMENT "hll"
AGGREGATE KEY(typ_id,typ_name)

And use the hll_hash command for import.

curl --location-trusted -u <velodb_user>:<velodb_password> \
    -H "column_separator:|" \
    -H "columns:typ_id,typ_name,pv=hll_hash(typ_id)" \
    -T streamload_example.csv \
    -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/testdb/test_streamload/_stream_load

Label, loading transaction, multi-table atomicity

All load jobs in VeloDB are atomically effective. And multiple tables loading in the same load job can also guarantee atomicity. At the same time, VeloDB can also use the Label mechanism to ensure that data loading is not lost or duplicated. For specific instructions, please refer to the Import Transactions and Atomicity (opens in a new tab) documentation.

Column mapping, derived columns, and filtering

VeloDB supports a very rich set of column transformations and filtering operations in load statements. Supports most built-in functions and UDFs. For how to use this feature correctly, please refer to the Data Transformation (opens in a new tab) documentation.

Enable strict mode import

The strict_mode attribute is used to set whether the import task runs in strict mode. This attribute affects the results of column mapping, transformation, and filtering, and it also controls the behavior of partial column updates. For specific instructions on strict mode, please refer to the Strict Mode (opens in a new tab) documentation.

Perform partial column updates during import

For how to express partial column updates during import, please refer to the Data Manipulation/Data Update documentation.

More help

For more detailed syntax and best practices on using Stream Load, please refer to the Stream Load Command Manual. You can also enter HELP STREAM LOAD in the MySql client command line to get more help information.

Stream load submits and transfers data through HTTP protocol. Here, the curl command shows how to submit an import.

Users can also operate through other HTTP clients.

curl --location-trusted -u user:passwd [-H ""...] -T data.file -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/{db}/{table}/_stream_load

The properties supported in the header are described in "Load Parameters" below
The format is: - H "key1: value1"


curl --location-trusted -u root -T date -H "label:123"

The detailed syntax for creating imports helps to execute HELP STREAM LOAD view. The following section focuses on the significance of creating some parameters of Stream load.

Signature parameters

  • user/passwd

    Stream load uses the HTTP protocol to create the imported protocol and signs it through the Basic Access authentication. The VeloDB system verifies user identity and import permissions based on signatures.

Load Parameters

Stream load uses HTTP protocol, so all parameters related to import tasks are set in the header. The significance of some parameters of the import task parameters of Stream load is mainly introduced below.

  • label

    Identity of import task. Each import task has a unique label inside a single database. Label is a user-defined name in the import command. With this label, users can view the execution of the corresponding import task.

    Another function of label is to prevent users from importing the same data repeatedly. It is strongly recommended that users use the same label for the same batch of data. This way, repeated requests for the same batch of data will only be accepted once, guaranteeing at-Most-Once

    When the corresponding import operation state of label is CANCELLED, the label can be used again.

  • column_separator

    Used to specify the column separator in the load file. The default is \t. If it is an invisible character, you need to add \x as a prefix and hexadecimal to indicate the separator.

    For example, the separator \x01 of the hive file needs to be specified as -H "column_separator:\x01".

    You can use a combination of multiple characters as the column separator.

  • line_delimiter

    Used to specify the line delimiter in the load file. The default is \n.

    You can use a combination of multiple characters as the column separator.

  • max_filter_ratio

    The maximum tolerance rate of the import task is 0 by default, and the range of values is 0-1. When the import error rate exceeds this value, the import fails.

    If the user wishes to ignore the wrong row, the import can be successful by setting this parameter greater than 0.

    The calculation formula is as follows:

    (dpp.abnorm.ALL / (dpp.abnorm.ALL + dpp.norm.ALL ) ) > max_filter_ratio

    dpp.abnorm.ALL denotes the number of rows whose data quality is not up to standard. Such as type mismatch, column mismatch, length mismatch and so on.

    dpp.norm.ALL refers to the number of correct data in the import process. The correct amount of data for the import task can be queried by the ``SHOW LOAD` command.

    The number of rows in the original file = dpp.abnorm.ALL + dpp.norm.ALL

  • where

    Import the filter conditions specified by the task. Stream load supports filtering of where statements specified for raw data. The filtered data will not be imported or participated in the calculation of filter ratio, but will be counted as num_rows_unselected.

  • partitions

    Partitions information for tables to be imported will not be imported if the data to be imported does not belong to the specified Partition. These data will be included in dpp.abnorm.ALL.

  • columns

    The function transformation configuration of data to be imported includes the sequence change of columns and the expression transformation, in which the expression transformation method is consistent with the query statement.

    Examples of column order transformation: There are three columns of original data (src_c1,src_c2,src_c3), and there are also three columns (dst_c1,dst_c2,dst_c3) in the velodb table at present.
    when the first column src_c1 of the original file corresponds to the dst_c1 column of the target table, while the second column src_c2 of the original file corresponds to the dst_c2 column of the target table and the third column src_c3 of the original file corresponds to the dst_c3 column of the target table,which is written as follows:
    columns: dst_c1, dst_c2, dst_c3
    when the first column src_c1 of the original file corresponds to the dst_c2 column of the target table, while the second column src_c2 of the original file corresponds to the dst_c3 column of the target table and the third column src_c3 of the original file corresponds to the dst_c1 column of the target table,which is written as follows:
    columns: dst_c2, dst_c3, dst_c1
    Example of expression transformation: There are two columns in the original file and two columns in the target table (c1, c2). However, both columns in the original file need to be transformed by functions to correspond to the two columns in the target table.
    columns: tmp_c1, tmp_c2, c1 = year(tmp_c1), c2 = mouth(tmp_c2)
    Tmp_* is a placeholder, representing two original columns in the original file.
  • format

    Specify the import data format, support csv, json, the default is csv

    supports csv_with_names (csv file line header filter), csv_with_names_and_types (csv file first two lines filter), parquet, orc

  • exec_mem_limit

    Memory limit. Default is 2GB. Unit is Bytes

  • merge_type

    The type of data merging supports three types: APPEND, DELETE, and MERGE. APPEND is the default value, which means that all this batch of data needs to be appended to the existing data. DELETE means to delete all rows with the same key as this batch of data. MERGE semantics Need to be used in conjunction with the delete condition, which means that the data that meets the delete condition is processed according to DELETE semantics and the rest is processed according to APPEND semantics

  • two_phase_commit

    Stream load import can enable two-stage transaction commit mode: in the stream load process, the data is written and the information is returned to the user. At this time, the data is invisible and the transaction status is PRECOMMITTED. After the user manually triggers the commit operation, the data is visible.

  • enclose

    When the csv data field contains row delimiters or column delimiters, to prevent accidental truncation, single-byte characters can be specified as brackets for protection. For example, the column separator is ",", the bracket is "'", and the data is "a,'b,c'", then "b,c" will be parsed as a field. Note: when the bracket is ", trim_double_quotes must be set to true.

  • escape

    Used to escape characters that appear in a csv field identical to the enclosing characters. For example, if the data is "a,'b,'c'", enclose is "'", and you want "b,'c to be parsed as a field, you need to specify a single-byte escape character, such as "", and then modify the data to "a,' b,'c'".


    1. Initiate a stream load pre-commit operation
    curl  --location-trusted -u user:passwd -H "two_phase_commit:true" -T test.txt http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/{db}/{table}/_stream_load
        "TxnId": 18036,
        "Label": "55c8ffc9-1c40-4d51-b75e-f2265b3602ef",
        "TwoPhaseCommit": "true",
        "Status": "Success",
        "Message": "OK",
        "NumberTotalRows": 100,
        "NumberLoadedRows": 100,
        "NumberFilteredRows": 0,
        "NumberUnselectedRows": 0,
        "LoadBytes": 1031,
        "LoadTimeMs": 77,
        "BeginTxnTimeMs": 1,
        "StreamLoadPutTimeMs": 1,
        "ReadDataTimeMs": 0,
        "WriteDataTimeMs": 58,
        "CommitAndPublishTimeMs": 0
    1. Trigger the commit operation on the transaction.
    Note 1) requesting to warehouse and cluster both works
    Note 2) `{table}` in url can be omit when commit
    using txn id
    curl -X PUT --location-trusted -u user:passwd  -H "txn_id:18036" -H "txn_operation:commit"  http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/{db}/{table}/_stream_load_2pc
        "status": "Success",
        "msg": "transaction [18036] commit successfully."

    using label

    curl -X PUT --location-trusted -u user:passwd  -H "label:55c8ffc9-1c40-4d51-b75e-f2265b3602ef" -H "txn_operation:commit"  http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/{db}/{table}/_stream_load_2pc
        "status": "Success",
        "msg": "label [55c8ffc9-1c40-4d51-b75e-f2265b3602ef] commit successfully."
    1. Trigger an abort operation on a transaction
    Note 1) requesting to warehouse and cluster both works
    Note 2) `{table}` in url can be omit when abort
    using txn id
    curl -X PUT --location-trusted -u user:passwd  -H "txn_id:18037" -H "txn_operation:abort"  http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/{db}/{table}/_stream_load_2pc
        "status": "Success",
        "msg": "transaction [18037] abort successfully."

    using label

    curl -X PUT --location-trusted -u user:passwd  -H "label:55c8ffc9-1c40-4d51-b75e-f2265b3602ef" -H "txn_operation:abort"  http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/{db}/{table}/_stream_load_2pc
        "status": "Success",
        "msg": "label [55c8ffc9-1c40-4d51-b75e-f2265b3602ef] abort successfully."
  • enable_profile

    When enable_profile is true, the Stream Load profile will be printed to logs.

  • memtable_on_sink_node

    Whether to enable MemTable on DataSink node when loading data, default is false.

    Build MemTable on DataSink node, and send segments to other backends through brpc streaming. It reduces duplicate work among replicas, and saves time in data serialization & deserialization.

  • partial_columns Whether to enable partial column updates, Boolean type, True means that use partial column update, the default value is false, this parameter is only allowed to be set when the table model is Unique and Merge on Write is used.

    eg: curl --location-trusted -u root: -H "partial_columns:true" -H "column_separator:," -H "columns:id,balance,last_access_time" -T /tmp/test.csv

Use stream load with SQL

You can add a sql parameter to the Header to replace the column_separator, line_delimiter, where, columns in the previous parameter, which is convenient to use.

curl --location-trusted -u user:passwd [-H "sql: ${load_sql}"...] -T data.file -XPUT http://<Warehouse_DNS_Name_or_IP>:<Warehouse_HTTP_Port>/api/_http_stream

# -- load_sql
# insert into db.table (col, ...) select stream_col, ... from http_stream("property1"="value1");

# http_stream
# (
#     "column_separator" = ",",
#     "format" = "CSV",
#     ...
# )


curl  --location-trusted -u root: -T test.csv  -H "sql:insert into demo.example_tbl_1(user_id, age, cost) select c1, c4, c7 * 2 from http_stream("format" = "CSV", "column_separator" = "," ) where age >= 30"

Return results

Since Stream load is a synchronous import method, the result of the import is directly returned to the user by creating the return value of the import.


    "TxnId": 1003,
    "Label": "b6f3bc78-0d2c-45d9-9e4c-faa0a0149bee",
    "Status": "Success",
    "ExistingJobStatus": "FINISHED", // optional
    "Message": "OK",
    "NumberTotalRows": 1000000,
    "NumberLoadedRows": 1000000,
    "NumberFilteredRows": 1,
    "NumberUnselectedRows": 0,
    "LoadBytes": 40888898,
    "LoadTimeMs": 2144,
    "BeginTxnTimeMs": 1,
    "StreamLoadPutTimeMs": 2,
    "ReadDataTimeMs": 325,
    "WriteDataTimeMs": 1933,
    "CommitAndPublishTimeMs": 106,
    "ErrorURL": ""

The following main explanations are given for the Stream load import result parameters:

  • TxnId: The imported transaction ID. Users do not perceive.

  • Label: Import Label. User specified or automatically generated by the system.

  • Status: Import completion status.

    "Success": Indicates successful import.

    "Publish Timeout": This state also indicates that the import has been completed, except that the data may be delayed and visible without retrying.

    "Label Already Exists": Label duplicate, need to be replaced Label.

    "Fail": Import failed.

  • ExistingJobStatus: The state of the load job corresponding to the existing Label.

    This field is displayed only when the status is "Label Already Exists". The user can know the status of the load job corresponding to Label through this state. "RUNNING" means that the job is still executing, and "FINISHED" means that the job is successful.

  • Message: Import error messages.

  • NumberTotalRows: Number of rows imported for total processing.

  • NumberLoadedRows: Number of rows successfully imported.

  • NumberFilteredRows: Number of rows that do not qualify for data quality.

  • NumberUnselectedRows: Number of rows filtered by where condition.

  • LoadBytes: Number of bytes imported.

  • LoadTimeMs: Import completion time. Unit milliseconds.

  • BeginTxnTimeMs: The time cost for RPC to warehouse to begin a transaction, Unit milliseconds.

  • StreamLoadPutTimeMs: The time cost for RPC to warehouse to get a stream load plan, Unit milliseconds.

  • ReadDataTimeMs: Read data time, Unit milliseconds.

  • WriteDataTimeMs: Write data time, Unit milliseconds.

  • CommitAndPublishTimeMs: The time cost for RPC to warehouse to commit and publish a transaction, Unit milliseconds.

  • ErrorURL: If you have data quality problems, visit this URL to see specific error lines.

:::info Note Since Stream load is a synchronous import mode, import information will not be recorded in VeloDB system. Users cannot see Stream load asynchronously by looking at import commands. You need to listen for the return value of the create import request to get the import result. :::

Best Practices

Application scenarios

The most appropriate scenario for using Stream load is that the original file is in memory or on disk. Secondly, since Stream load is a synchronous import method, users can also use this import if they want to obtain the import results in a synchronous manner.

Data volume

Since Stream load is based on the cluster initiative to import and distribute data, the recommended amount of imported data is between 1G and 10G. Since the default maximum Stream load import data volume is 10G, the configuration of cluster streaming_load_max_mb needs to be modified if files exceeding 10G are to be imported.

For example, the size of the file to be imported is 15G
Modify the cluster configuration streaming_load_max_mb to 16000

Stream load default timeout is 600 seconds, according to VeloDB currently the largest import speed limit, about more than 3G files need to modify the import task default timeout.

Import Task Timeout = Import Data Volume / 10M / s (Specific Average Import Speed Requires Users to Calculate Based on Their Cluster Conditions)
For example, import a 10G file
Timeout = 1000s -31561;. 20110G / 10M /s

Complete examples

Data situation: In the local disk path /home/store_sales of the sending and importing requester, the imported data is about 15G, and it is hoped to be imported into the table store_sales of the database bj_sales.

Cluster situation: The concurrency of Stream load is not affected by cluster size.

  • Step 1: Does the import file size exceed the default maximum import size of 10G

    Cluster configuration
    streaming_load_max_mb = 16000
  • Step 2: Calculate whether the approximate import time exceeds the default timeout value

    Import time 15000/10 = 1500s
    Over the default timeout time, you need to modify the Warehouse configuration
    stream_load_default_timeout_second = 1500
  • Step 3: Create Import Tasks

    curl --location-trusted -u user:password -T /home/store_sales -H "label:abc"

Coding with StreamLoad

You can initiate HTTP requests for Stream Load using any language. Before initiating HTTP requests, you need to set several necessary headers:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Expect: 100-continue
Authorization: Basic <Base64 encoded username and password>

<Base64 encoded username and password>: a string consist with VeloDB's username, : and password and then do a base64 encode.

Additionally, it should be noted that if you directly initiate an HTTP request to warehouse, as VeloDB will redirect to cluster, some frameworks will remove the Authorization HTTP header during this process, which requires manual processing.

VeloDB provides StreamLoad examples in three languages: Java (opens in a new tab), Go (opens in a new tab), and Python (opens in a new tab) for reference.

Common Questions

  • Label Already Exists

    The Label repeat checking steps of Stream load are as follows:

    1. Is there an import Label conflict that already exists with other import methods?

    Because imported Label in VeloDB system does not distinguish between import methods, there is a problem that other import methods use the same Label.

    Through SHOW LOAD WHERE LABEL = "xxx"', where XXX is a duplicate Label string, see if there is already a Label imported by FINISHED that is the same as the Label created by the user.

    1. Are Stream loads submitted repeatedly for the same job?

    Since Stream load is an HTTP protocol submission creation import task, HTTP Clients in various languages usually have their own request retry logic. After receiving the first request, the VeloDB system has started to operate Stream load, but because the result is not returned to the Client side in time, the Client side will retry to create the request. At this point, the VeloDB system is already operating on the first request, so the second request will be reported to Label Already Exists.

    To sort out the possible methods mentioned above: Search warehouse's log with Label to see if there are two redirect load action to destination = redirect load action to destination cases in the same Label. If so, the request is submitted repeatedly by the Client side.

    It is recommended that the user calculate the approximate import time based on the amount of data currently requested, and change the request overtime on the client side to a value greater than the import timeout time according to the import timeout time to avoid multiple submissions of the request by the client side.

    1. Connection reset abnormal

    In the community version 0.14.0 and earlier versions, the connection reset exception occurred after Http V2 was enabled, because the built-in web container is tomcat, and Tomcat has pits in 307 (Temporary Redirect). There is a problem with the implementation of this protocol. All In the case of using Stream load to import a large amount of data, a connect reset exception will occur. This is because tomcat started data transmission before the 307 jump, which resulted in the lack of authentication information when the cluster received the data request. Later, changing the built-in container to Jetty solved this problem. If you encounter this problem, please upgrade your VeloDB or disable Http V2 (enable_http_server_v2=false).

    After the upgrade, also upgrade the http client version of your program to 4.5.13,Introduce the following dependencies in your pom.xml file

  • After enabling the Stream Load record on the cluster, the record cannot be queried

    This is caused by the slowness of fetching records, you can try to adjust the following parameters:

    1. Increase the cluster configuration stream_load_record_batch_size. This configuration indicates how many Stream load records can be pulled from cluster each time. The default value is 50, which can be increased to 500.
    2. Reduce the warehouse configuration fetch_stream_load_record_interval_second, this configuration indicates the interval for obtaining Stream load records, the default is to fetch once every 120 seconds, and it can be adjusted to 60 seconds.
    3. If you want to save more Stream load records (not recommended, it will take up more resources of warehouse), you can increase the configuration max_stream_load_record_size of warehouse, the default is 5000.

More Help

For more detailed syntax used by Stream Load, you can enter HELP STREAM LOAD on the Mysql client command line for more help.