VeloDB Cloud
Management Guide
Cross Account IAM Guide

Cross Account IAM Guide


Please use the following steps to create the role and add permissions in your AWS console:

  1. Access the IAM service and select Roles from the menu. Click on the Create role button.

  1. Select AWS account in the Select trusted entity section. Select Another AWS account in the An AWS account section. Copy and paste VeloDB AWS account ID in the Account ID field. Then check Require external ID in options.Then copy and paste External ID in the External ID field. Click on the Next button.

  1. Select the permission policies you would like to attach to the role. Click on the Next button.

  1. Config Role name,and click on the Create role button to finish.

  1. Click on the role name in the list of roles. Copy the value of the Role name and ARN from the Summary section to provide the value in VeloDB Cloud.